Tuesday, December 06, 2005

North County Times Cut PPH's EIR Article Short!

The North County Times cut its print article short. The online version is longer. Here is what is missing:

"It's not as if we're doing any politicking behind closed doors," Rivera said. "We're doing everything in public."

Nevertheless, when asked to provide copies of the environmental studies, Palomar Pomerado officials told members of the public and press on Monday that the documents were still in draft form and not immediately available.

Robroy Fawcett, a critic of the proposed hospital plan who regularly posts district documents on his blog covering Palomar Pomerado's governance, said he was one of those told by district officials that the study was not available.

"It's archaic and out of the dark ages," Fawcett said. "The way they're handling this meeting, the way they're not making the documents available, it's not good government."

See online version of the article at:

A side by side comparison of the articles showing the cutoff portion is available at the following links:


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