Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Promised Hospital Expansion at the Downtown PMC Site

Last summer, Escondido was concerned that construction of a new hospital in the ERTC would have severe negative impacts on the downtown area. To address those concerns, the Palomar Pomerado Health (PPH) district held a public forum in Escondido on July 28, 2005, to present its future plans for the existing downtown Palomar Medical Center (PMC).

In the presentation, PPH indicated that it planned to build a large hospital expansion extending east of the existing hospital buildings.

I believe that this planned hospital expansion must be the keystone of the development agreement currently being negotitated between the City of Escondido and PPH as part of the ERTC "compromise".

The promised downtown hospital expansion was presented on a slide labeled "Master Plan" which included other amenities such as senior and employee housing, mixed use medical buildings having retail shops, a community building, and a downtown parking structure.

Two slides similarly labeled "Master Plan" show perspective views of the promised hospital expansion. The building appears to be about 10 stories tall in these slides.

Perspective view looking toward the east:

Perspective view looking toward the west:

Better quality slides are available at the following link:
The slide presentation is available the following link:

Placing the building's footprint on a site map of the existing downtown hospital shows that the promised hospital expansion fits on existing site without the need to acquire additional property. The expansion building would replace the 45 year old Adams wing of PMC. The promised expansion building's footprint covers about 24,000 square feet. Multiplied by 10 stories, the promised hospital expansion would house about 240,000 square feet of modern hospital space compliant with all seismic regulations.

The map is also available at the following link:

PPH made many promised at the forum in Escondido last summer!

The promise most important to the healthcare of North County residents is the downtown hospital expansion!

To hold our government accountable for the promised downtown hospital expansion, the PPH Board and staff were reminded of this promise at the Board Meeting of November 14, 2005. See video clip:

The Escondido City Council and staff were reminded of the downtown hospital expansion at the Council Meeting of November 16, 2005. (click on video library item 3: Oral Communications):


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