Wednesday, November 02, 2005

$3,748,127 - The Cost Estimate For Seismic Retrofit Of The McLeod Tower at PMC

In 1999, structural engineers provided Palomar Pomerado Health (PPH) with a cost estimate of $3,748,127 for the structural and nonstructural seismic retrofit of the McLeod Tower at the Palomar Medical Center (PMC) in downtown Escondido.

A partial copy of a SB1953 Seismic Evaluation of Palomar Medical Center (Phase Report 1A), dated October 25, 1999, was produced by PPH in response to an application to inspect and copy Public Records made September 28, 2005. The partial copy of the Seismic Evaluation is available at the following link:

The construction cost estimate for the structural seismic retrofit of the McLeod Tower was $2,600,000, as shown in Table 4. The cost estimate for the nonstructural seismic retrofit of the McLeod Tower was $1,148,127, as shown in Table 5. The total cost estimate for the structural and nonstructural seismic retrofit of the McLeod Tower was $3,748,127.

$3,748,127! This cost estimate for the seismic retrofit of the McLeod Tower is astonishingly low when compared with the impressions of retrofit costs heralded by PPH.

Proposition BB stated:
"Palomar Medical Center is 50 years old. Over 70% of the hospital beds at Palomar Medical Center are located in buildings that do not meet state earthquake safety standards. Based on an evaluation of reports prepared by outside experts, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the District has determined that it would be significantly more expensive to retrofit and upgrade the existing Palomar Medical Center than it would be to build a new medical center."

The actual text of Proposition BB can be found at:

The same text is found in the PPH Board Resolution No. 08.04.04 (01), which can be found at:

PPH appears to have propagated a much higher retrofit cost figure in 2003. "Palomar Pomerado board members decided in 2001 to spend more to completely redesign their hospitals instead of spending $56 million to simply install braces and supports to meet the 2008 standards. The $329 million project is essentially two jobs: In November, board members approved spending a maximum of $266 million to build a new patient-treatment tower ---- to replace the current tower that will be demolished ---- at the 319-bed Palomar Medical Center; and up to an additional $63 million to build a new patient tower, medical office building and increase the number of beds at the 119-bed Pomerado Hospital." See report in the North County Times at:

Before making further comment, I await a full copy of the SB1953 Seismic Evaluation of Palomar Medical Center (Phase Report 1A), requested in an application to inspect and copy Public Records made September 28, 2005. The public records application included a request to inspect and copy "reports, documents, spreadsheets, calculations, analysis, and/or information used to determine estimated cost of upgrading the McLeod Tower at PMC to a level above an SPC-1." A copy of the public records application is available at:


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