Friday, September 02, 2005

"Sideline" James - The Wizard of Oz?

James R. McCann - developer of the Escondido Research and Technology Center (ERTC).

He spoke at the May 5th meeting of the Escondido City Council. At that time, he said that he had been watching the hospital site issue from the "sidelines." He said that he was "ambivalent" to which tenants go into the ERTC, but that the Palomar Pomerado Health (PPH) district was the "biggest fish in the sea."

Has Mr. McCann merely been watching from the "sidelines"? Or is he the man behind the curtain pulling the levers?

In the PPH Board meeting on August 30th, discussions on exercising the option on the ERTC property included a subtle reference to a "developer participation" part of the ERTC option. What is this? Buried deep in the option agreement is paragraph 4.2.6. (The portions of the Additional Option Agreement that are available to the public can be downloaded through a link in my blog entry posted August 9th.)

When PPH exercised the option for the ERTC property, they obligated themselves to have JRM (James R. McCann's company) develop a 300,000 square foot Medical Office Building on PPH's 52 acres in the ERTC.

PPH rejected Escondido's 25 acre offer as too small. Why was 25 acres too small? Let's look again at a picture:

(For a better view, use the links below. MOB stands for Medical Office Building.)

Nearly half of the PPH ERTC site is for Medical Office Buildings and adjacent parking. Was the 25 acre offer too small because it could not accommodate the hospital? Or was the 25 acre offer too small because it could not accommodate the financial interests of "Sideline" James?

Why did "Sideline" James sell 52 acres of prime industrial land for a mere $35 million? Was it so PPH could claim that all other proposed sites were too expensive? What will be the real cost of the 52 acres in the ERTC?

What's in it for "Sideline" James?

Are the taxpayers of Escondido going take a bath for the benefit of "Sideline" James?

How much is "Sideline" James influencing our City and Hospital leaders?

Finally, which button is Mr. Kent Davy, the Editor of the North County Times, going to push now that PPH is stepping back from its agreement with the City of Escondido. The one labeled "Blame the Escondido City Council" or the one labeled "Praise the Palomar Pomerado Health district."


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