Saturday, January 28, 2006

"Expert Advisory Panel" To Review Patient Room Plans

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of Palomar Pomerado Health has been called for an "Expert Advisory Panel" regarding the future focus and perspectives of Palomar Pomerado Health's design process. "The group will be asked to review and comment on the district's plans for patient rooms and other details of a hospital that Palomar Pomerado plans to build in the ERTC" said a PPH spokesman.

I have several concerns about PPH's latest plans for patient rooms. On December 20, 2005, the PPH Board was presented with the patient room layout shown below:

First, the patient "hygiene zone" appears to have a major defect! The toilet appears to be too close to the shower. If the patient does not trip over the shower basin getting to the toilet, then the patient's knees may be overhanging the shower basin when seated on the toilet.

Second, the patient "hygiene zone" is blocking half of the window area and cuts into the "family zone."

The original "healing environment" patient room plans, detailed in the Facilities Master Plan (July 2004) on page 1-18, showed a large window area to allow ample use of natural light and a wide and narrow "family zone" closer to the head of the patient's bed to encourage extended family visits. The latest plans for the patient rooms have the "family zone" placed quite a distance (8 to 10 feet) from the head of the patient's bed. Also, the original patient room plans had ample clearances in the patient hygiene zone.

I hope that PPH has a different patient room design to present to the "Expert Advisory Panel" because the latest design appears to have significant defects. For an estimated cost of $690 million, the residents of the district deserve the best "patient room" design.

The "Expert Advisory Panel" appears to be an encore of a expert review meeting last July reported in the North County Times:

That meeting featured: Keith Argenbright (physician); Garth Ballantyne (physician); Ron Riner (physician); Richard Satava (physician); John Reiling (Pres & CEO of St. Joseph's Hospital in Wisconsin); and Donald Jones (VP Qualcomm).

This time PPH will have "representatives from IBM, Qualcomm and companies that have built hospitals." Why do I get the feeling that PPH is expecting some good coverage in the media touting their "design process" after this meeting and in advance of the upcoming meeting of the Escondido City Council?

Very recently PPH told the Escondido Design Review Board and the Planning Commission that PPH did not have detailed plans for the new hospital. Much design activity must have taken place over the last few days if the review of the "Expert Advisory Panel" is to have any real merit!

The complete handout presented to the PPH Board on December 20, 2005, is available at this link:
The Facilities Master Plan (July 2004) is available at this link:

The Special Meeting Notice is available at this link:
The Special Meeting time (Monday, January 30, 2006, from 10 am to 3 pm) and location was reported in the North County Times:


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